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2021 Team Announcement


It is with great honour that we confirm the resigning of young Nate Tomerini to join Gavin "Gav Nav" Heggs as the 2021 Twist it Moto team.

The team will travel the WA State coaching and racing onboard their Blue Crew Mandurah City Yamaha machines. After an awesome season ending result with 3rd O/A for the WAMX Championship series in the 65cc class, Tomerini will again be on the title hunt in 2021, but also look to seek assistance in attempting a possible trip to the junior Aussie Nationals.

With a top 15 in the Pro MX1 class at the last round for 2020 State titles, the 2021 season focus will be for the business and building progression whilst training and coaching for "Gav Nav". He looks to fill the weekend calendar gaps at the racing scenes. "The aim is to travel East and further more pending the circumstances of Covid-19 for coaching and riding" said the #194. Both Nate and Gavin have begun pre-season off the bike training with Jetts Rockingham programs, and will soon also be on the bikes building the hours over the summer break. "We look forward to the start of the 2021 season. I cant wait to get the bikes dialled in with the Mototune suspension freshen up. As well as blinging them all out again with our usual MX INK team sticker kits. Its always an exciting time when everything is fresh! Cant forget our awesome matching gear that I am too keen to see the new designs for. Meckwear have stuck by us over the years and always provided the goods. Lanotec, Jetts, Dunlop, CMPL, Yamaha, and everyone else who supports us they have all been amazing! Really looking forward to the season beginning at the Manjimup Cosy Creek circuit for racing and heading to the East Coast for coaching in Jan with Nathan Crawford should be awesome " -said Gavin.

Although this concludes the team positions with Twist it Moto, they are still taking applications for support riders and will be looking to help and assist as many riders as possible across the globe with plenty of other opportunities to offer. Bring on 2021.



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