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2020 READY


Coming into the 2020 season the Twist it Moto team confirm their current listings with sponsors and team riders. The below have been confirmed so far for this year. Team: Nate Tomerini- 65cc (7- u10 yrs) #437 Gavin Heggs- MX1 ( CEO & Coach) #194

Team Sponsors: - Meckwear - MX INK - Lanotec - Mandurah City Yamaha - Yamaha Australia - Mototune Suspension - Dunlop - Jetts Gym (Rockingham) Nate and Gavin also have personal sponsors who have put in a great deal of support. Gavin Heggs said- "Yet to be approved for 2020 is some extended sponsorship alignments for the team. We are still waiting to see contracts from some. We will have further details and be able to confirm these when it's in writing and in front of us. Until then we will have to prepare for the season opener."

The Twist it Moto team and coaching are continuously seeking sponsorship and further support for their programs to be able to run and support the sports athletes. Although the current future for the 2020 season and its events are unknown at this stage it does give the crew here a perfect opportunity to get on top of things. Until then they will prepare for when everything comes back to what we would call the normality of our action-packed racing season.



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